Ppt on effects playing video game
Ppt on effects playing video game

ppt on effects playing video game

Instead, scientists are discovering games in moderation may actually improve-not strain-your vision. “Don’t sit too close to the television” used to be a common parental refrain without a lot of science to back it up.

ppt on effects playing video game

The reason, researchers believe, is that the games have constantly changing environments that require intense focus. One study has shown dyslexics improved their reading comprehension following sessions of games heavy on action. Some research points to attention difficulties as being a key component of dyslexia. Video games could help people overcome dyslexia. While you may think you want your surgeon reading up on the latest medical research instead of playing games, you might want to reconsider: a study of laparoscopic (small incision) specialists found that those who played for more than three hours per week made 32 percent fewer errors during practice procedures compared to their non-gaming counterparts. Video games are producing better surgeons. In honor of National Video Game Day (today), here are 15 ways games are programming better people.

ppt on effects playing video game

Video games, in fact, decrease violence, but there are still concerning factors within video games such as decreased attention, lack of physical activity among others.Complex, challenging, and ambitious, video games have come a long way since the simple arcade titles of the 1970s-and evidence is mounting that the benefits of play go well beyond entertainment and improved hand-eye coordination. Despite that it is quite possible that children will not have the same type of social development if they spend a large amount of their time playing video games which can be concerning.

ppt on effects playing video game

The arrest rate for juvenile murders has fallen from 71.9 percent between 19 to 49.3 percent, and during this time period video games sales increased tremendously. has decreased as video game sales have gone up. Well no, as the violent juvenile crime rate in the U.S. Does that mean that children are at a far higher risk of being violent if they play video games? That being said there are certainly harms, as a report by the Surgeon General stated that video games can make children more fearful and less sensitive to pain. Knowing this then what are the harms of video games? It seems like the cons of video games are more prevalent in the mainstream press, as typically the audience is geared toward an older segment of the population.

Ppt on effects playing video game